
July 20, 2011 § 14 Comments

Wishcasting Wednesday with Jamie Ridler Studios  : What do you wish to TRY? 


First thought: self-sufficiency

Second thought: autonomy

Indulge me a moment [from Wikipedia] Autonomy (Ancient Greek: αὐτονομία autonomia from αὐτόνομος autonomos from αὐτο- auto- “self” + νόμος nomos, “law” “one who gives oneself their own law“) is a concept found in moralpolitical, and bioethical philosophy. Within these contexts, it refers to the capacity of a rational individual to make an informed, un-coerced decision. In moral and political philosophy, autonomy is often used as the basis for determining moral responsibility for one’s actions. One of the best known philosophical theories of autonomy was developed by Kant. In medicine, respect for the autonomy of patients is an important goal of deontology, though it can conflict with a competing ethical principle, namely beneficence. Autonomy is also used to refer to the self-government of the people.

Are you with me so far? Now I need to add this: [Wikipedia/autonomy/politics]: “In the past few decades, a large movement of autonomism has emerged in the form of anarchism. …  autonomy refers to one’s own self-governance.” 

And lastly: [Wikipedia/autonomy/philosophy]: ” The word autonomy has several meanings in a philosophical context. In ethics, autonomy refers to a person’s capacity for self-determination in the context of moral choices. Kant argued that autonomy is demonstrated by a person who decides on a course of action out of respect for moral duty. That is, an autonomous person acts morally solely for the sake of doing “good”, independently of other incentives. In his Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals, Kant applied this concept to create a definition of personhood. He suggested that such compliance with moral law creates the essence of human dignity. In metaphysical philosophy, the concept of autonomy is referenced in discussions about free will, fatalism, determinism, and agency.”

I wish to try autonmomy …  freedom, liberty, self-determination, self-government, self-rule, sovereignty … like a cat … but with thumbs  ;]

Once tried, I may find I really like it … so be forewarned! LOL!

It goes a long with last week and asking for space … at 51 and in menopause [finally! think i’m really done!!] I am feeling the strong need to fulfill my own desires, to listen to Me. Not to walk the path completely alone. No … but to walk it as an individual not a group.

As you wish for yourself, I shall wish for you also.




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